UFO Characteristics compiled by Larry Nugent
A.1 UFO's vary in size from 15 feet in diameter to the size of a football field.
Let's ignore for the moment the accounts which report size changes in mid flight.
A.2 UFO's flight characteristics do not seem to depend on size. Large objects are just as
maneuverable as small ones.
B.1 UFO's vary substantially in shape. It seems most shapes are of the saucer variety, but spherical
and triangular objects are quite often reported.
B.2 The shape is usually symmetric.
B.3 The shape is not aerodynamic. In other words, the shape does not appear to be designed to
produce lift in the sense that an airplane wing using Bernoulli forces does. If we accept this as
true then a lifting force must be produced to counteract gravity AND an additional force must be
employed to move the craft north, south, east and west.
C.1 UFO's do not seem to follow normal ballistic, inertial flight characteristics. In other words direction changes,
no matter what the velocity or momentum, are immediate (stop on a dime) and angular and do not seem to involve
deceleration or acceleration during direction changes. Any craft operating in a normal inertial reference frame
(even in the absence of gravity) would be subjected to incredible G forces during these direction changes.
C.2 UFO's have been reported to hover high in the air for several hours or just several feet off the ground without
apparent regard to energy consumption or conservation.
C.3 There are numerous sightings where the observers comment about the apparent lack of noise. Some cases
report an almost inaudible humming sound. Even in sightings where incredibly large objects are reported.
C.4 UFO's are often reported to rotate while hovering. The rate of rotation is on the order of 20-60 rpms. Some
observers report a slight wobble.
C.5 I am not aware of any observer commenting about sonic booms associated with UFO's. They appear to be able
to go supersonic without an associated sonic boom. In fact air turbulence is not even reported when craft
leave at high velocity from several feet off from the ground.
D.1 Most UFO's have very bright external lights of varying colors. The lights are reported to be several orders of magnitude
beyond any earth based technology. Some cases report that the lights actually dim slightly just prior
to movements from a stationary state to a high velocity state (as in when a UFO suddenly splits the scene)
If this is true, then this might offer a subtle clue into possible propulsion mechanisms. For example conventional
aircraft lights do not dim during expenditures of energy since the propulsion is not tied into electrical power
D.2 Numerous reports of UFO's that have landed describe landing gear which seem rather structurally weak in
comparison to the task at hand. In other words based on the size of the object the landing gear are rather
thin. Either the UFO is light weight or the materials used to construct the landing gear are strong.
Does this seem to be true or not?
E.1 No one country has been immune from encounters with UFO's. There seems to be no dependence
on the countries religious beliefs or culture or education or heritage.
E.2 It seems that numerous sightings have occurred near military bases. Not so much going in and out of
the air space of these bases but just hovering near by. As in the Gulf breeze sightings.